First off, welcome!

If you are reading this, we’ll assume you are at least somewhat familiar with Optumi.

If not, no problem! You can learn more here.

Launching your first workload

It all starts with launching a workload into the cloud. There are three main ways to do this in the Optumi platform. You can:

  1. Launch from the JupyterLab extension
  2. Launch from the webapp
  3. Launch from the Python API

The approach you pick will simply depend on your preferred workflow and current tooling. People using Python scripts and a non-Jupyter IDE will often find the library or webapp most convenient and people using JupyterLab will often find the extension most convenient.

The good news is you can switch back and forth because you’ll see the same workloads!

Launch from the Python library

See Using the Python library

Launch from the JupyterLab extension

See Using the JupyterLab extension

Monitor and manage workloads from the web app

See Using the web app